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The project aims to raise participants' awareness of the importance of marine ecosystems of this extraordinary aquatic plant.

Through underwater exploration and understanding the ecological benefits provided by Posidonia, we want to inspire young people to become active supporters of marine conservation. Posidonia reminds us that each of us has a crucial role in preserving and protecting the natural treasures of our seas for future generations.


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The Mediterranean Sea, in addition to being a paradise on earth, is a treasure trove of biodiversity: it is home to more than 17,000 animal and plant species, and more than a third find a home here alone. Dedicated to the Mare Nostrum and its protection is the Sea Explorers project, a collaboration between Coop and the European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability.

The initiative is part of the Coop Youth Experience consumer cooperative youth project.

Participants, aged between 18 and 35, experience an exciting adventure by immersing themselves, first virtually and then for real, in some of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean, learning to recognize the main species that inhabit it and the most urgent actions that can be put into practice to protect it. An 85-hour course that began in April 2024 and aims to train young people who can contribute to coastal eco-tourism and the conservation of our precious marine biodiversity.


Coastal Marine Biodiversity Course (online) - beginning April 15, 2024.
Five training modules delivered asynchronously (i.e., on-demand), to learn about key coastal ecosystems, their fauna and flora, ranging from environmental threats to the fundamental role of Marine Protected Areas in safeguarding the precious Mare Nostrum.


Marine Excursion Guide Training Meetings (online with direct interaction).

Five dynamic and interactive meetings conducted in talk-show style, dedicated to 100 young people selected from those who have completed the Coastal Marine Biodiversity course. An appointment with great experts to satisfy curiosity and explore the most interesting insights learned on the topic.


Experience at Sea

Then, a unique experience: three days of snorkeling and educational workshops in a Mediterranean marine protected area (Elba Island or Conero Riviera), to see live everything discovered during the course. Free room and board for 100 selected and reimbursement of travel expenses up to 150 euros are provided.

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Boat experience

Finally, ten people will be selected at the end of the course to travel by boat and witness the planting of posidonia that will take place in September.



under-35s trained through a dedicated project platform implemented by EIIS


people selected for the final experience

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