Laura Pintore
Head of Biodiversity Department - EIIS
Marine Wildlife Expert - WWF Italia
Naturalist and ethologist with a passion for cetaceans. Since October 2018 she has been doing a PhD in Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnology at the University of Turin funded by WWF Italy. The focus of her research is anthropogenic noise impact and its effects on cetaceans in the "Pelagos" Sanctuary. She is qualified, by the World Cetacean Alliance as a Responsible Whale Watching Guide for tourists on whale watching boats. she is also qualified as a Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and Passive Acoustics Monitoring (PAM) Operator by ACCOBAMS and the JNCC. She holds the position of Head of the Biodiversity Department of the European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability (EIIS), coordinating the Certificate Programs "Manager of Biodiversity" and "Profession Whale Watcher," and participating in all biodiversity-related initiatives that are intertwined with the work done by EIIS. She is also the Marine Wildlife Expert (Marine Megafauna Expert) of WWF Italy, and the Scientific Manager of WWF Travel's Panda Sails project. She participates in the activities carried out by WWF Italy's Sea Office and Conservation Office in close coordination with WWF's Scientific Committee, which brings together some of the leading experts in ocean conservation.