Federica Saini Fasanotti
Nonresident Senior Fellow -the Brookings Institution, Washington DC
Federica Saini Fasanotti is a nonresident senior Fellow in the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution. She is also a Senior Associate of ISPI in Milan. She is a historian specialized in counterinsurgency and asymmetric wars. Her fieldwork and research cover Libya.
She has published seven books on military history like Vincere! The Italian Royal Army Counterinsurgency Operations in Africa 1922-1940 (United States Naval Institute, 2020) and La Forma della Guerra. Le origini del pensiero occidentale di controguerriglia (Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito Italiano, 2022), a wide-ranging study on history, methods, and pillars of counterinsurgency in the modern era.
She has been a consultant on Libya for James Mattis, former US Secretary of Defense, and in September 2016 she testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs about terrorism in Libya.